For Companies, Associations & Networks


What special role does your organization want to play with a view to the coming years, with a view to your markets and locations, with a view to the world we live in? What needs to be learned for this? Which strategies, structures and cultures need to be adapted?

Read the services presented here as an inspiration, our special pleasure is to develop a specific, tailor-made format for you and together with you!


Future Radar 2030

Developing sensors for trend topics!

Our future radar projects make it possible to systematically examine and further develop the "future viability" of the organization in three modules.

Module A: Strategic vision test - learning to think outside the box!
When the focus is on day-to-day operations, the inner future sensor, which detects important trends and topics in the company's environment, is often put on stand-by. Very understandable. Very dangerous when it comes to the business of tomorrow. In the "Strategic Vision Test", those responsible for strategy are invited to reflect on the requirements and current capabilities for future management on the basis of 44 questions. This leads to illuminating insights into blind spots in the organizational and cultural set-up and the reduction of future risks through appropriate measures.

Module B: Stakeholder Activity Check - use the differences!
The term "stakeholder" has evolved from an insider term for project managers to a frequently invoked word for any future topic. However, there is often a discrepancy - even with verbal commitments to the importance of all stakeholders for sustainable corporate success - in the way in which the strategic importance of individual stakeholders is reflected. As a result, important knowledge, perspectives and ideas that could make a real difference for the company in the future are not accessed. The Stakeholder Activity Check helps you for example, at the start of a strategy process or project to take stock of all stakeholder relationships and to develop a coherent engagement strategy with a view to the respective project.

Module C: Empowering implicit knowledge about trends & future topics in the individual departments!
Most people love their specialist area and are not only able to cope well with current tasks, but also have very valuable perceptions of what will be important for their specialist area in the future by reflecting on their experiences, talking to colleagues inside and outside the company, reading specialist literature, visiting trade fairs and attending further training courses. As part of specific "Future Radar 2030" workshops, these perceptions are collected and evaluated in terms of their significance for the respective area, e.g. whether they involve marginal or radical changes with a view to the next 3 to 5 years. The current handling of the respective topic is critically examined. The attention required with a view to the next year is discussed, agreed and underpinned with targets.

Duration: 1 day each for Modul A and B, 1,5 days for Modul C


Change Drivers Meeting

Strengthening change management for innovative approaches & projects

One shortcoming in change processes is that too much attention is often paid to the people who actually want to maintain the status quo. In the effort to get the "horses running", the drivers themselves become tired. It is much more important to regularly bring together the people who are keen on a changed future, on new approaches, products and services, etc., in order to drive change forward together. These change drivers are often found in the management function of particularly important and future-sensitive projects. The approach of the Change Driver Meetings is to bring them together once a quarter for half a day to discuss what works in the respective projects, how it works and what can be learned from it for everyone.

Duration: 0.5 days quarterly


Integrity Lab

Cultural development by heart - strengthening bonds!

Do you know the word "integrity"? What does it mean to you? On a scale of 1 to 10, how much integrity do you perceive yourself to have? What does integrity mean in our workplace? Integrity is a "future capability".

What compliance is on a corporate level, integrity is on a personal level. Nobody likes to work with someone who doesn't act with integrity. Conversely, people who are perceived as having integrity are highly valued. Integrity makes a person strong and a team strong too. The Integrity Lab offers you the opportunity to explore inspiring and exciting questions around the topic of integrity in your team, to further develop your organizational culture and to give your employees even more good reasons to co-create an exciting future with your company. The Integrity Lab is a joint creation of Ann La-Forker, Integrity for Future, and Henrik Langholf, Zukunftsmoderation!

Duration: 0.5 to 2 days


“Let´s talk water!”

Company Water Dialog

The realities of water are changing. What initially affects nature as a sudden "too much" or a much too long "too little" rainfall, and with it our agriculture, us as water consumers and "workers in the summer heat", is also intensively occupying administration and politics, of course the water suppliers and also your company?

From questions about whether there are enough water dispensers available in the company or how water consumption can be reduced by simple means, to the water supplier's assessment of the situation in your region and the availability of water at supplier locations, there is a wide range of topics that are of future-oriented importance. The water dialogs are held in the form of 3 dialog rounds with short inputs in advance, e.g. as part of a 2.5-hour format in the canteen. They invite people to take up the issues that concern them with regard to "water" at their location, to network and, if necessary, to develop further initiatives and strategies. Experts on specific issues can be brought in from our regional, national and international water network.

Duration: by agreement


"More plastic than fish in the sea by 2050? Not with us!"

Kick-off workshop on low-plastic corporate strategies

In this self-assessment, you can reflect on your company's current and aspirational awareness of how to deal with plastic. Research & development, incoming goods, production, packaging & distribution, employee catering & canteen, administration, marketing, legal & compliance management, strategy & personnel development and networking are put under the microscope.

The options for action are prioritized together, a target picture is developed and operationalized with the help of a change roadmap. Through our involvement with the Circular Futures and Prevent Waste Alliance projects, we are in contact with over 300 start-ups and companies that are pioneering a new quality of circular economy and can be approached and involved in a targeted manner if required.

Duration: 1 day


Future Workshop

Participatory transformation of organization and culture!

If one person dreams alone, it's just a dream. When many dream together, it is the beginning of a new reality!

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Everyday life is about anything but dreaming, of course. But just as we sleep at night to regenerate, we also need "dream times" as a management team, in which we reconnect with what moves us internally, what connects us and why we expose ourselves to "everyday madness" anew every day. If these time-outs are left out for too long, even the best team will eventually hollow out and lose its drive and efficiency in pursuing its goals. Future Workshops are an excellent instrument for specifying the long-term strategic orientation, reflecting on the necessary forms of work and ways of acting and activating the full vitality of a company.

Duration: 1 day to 10 years


Future Conferences

Only tribes will survive!

It needs times to think through important future topics on your own, it needs times in small groups of 5 - 10 people, in larger groups of 20 - 30, and it needs time to move future topics forward in large groups of 100 and more people.

The wisdom of the many is often an untapped factor in enabling real leaps forward in the life of a company. This can be triggered by a new strategy, a change project, an innovation project, a sales initiative or a company anniversary.

The combination of agile methods such as "Open Space Technology" with "Markets of the Future", "World Café" and "Appreciative Inquiry" enables you to conduct a future conference that is both standardized and fully adapted to your needs and will become a milestone in your company's history.

Duration: 1 to 3 days